by Sr. Suzanne Homeyer

Christ the King

The Feast of Christ the King - Stained glass window in St. Paul Seminary, Ottowa, Canada

This time of the year is often called the ‘end time.’ And it certainly is the end of the growing season (except for the evergreens); the end of fresh cut flowers (except for the beautiful apricot tea rose stubbornly clinging to the bush in the Fremont House’s alley garden); the end of the season for some team’s hoping for a playoff game or two…and the end of the liturgical year.  This ‘end time’ in the Church Year is really not an end…it is a time of reaffirmation of our faith…it is more accurately described as KAIROS time…it is a time that is a time out of time with the chronological time of the world.

“This ‘end time’ in the Church Year is really not an end…it is a time of reaffirmation of our faith…it is more accurately described as KAIROS time…” – Sr. Suzanne

The liturgical readings are really preparing us for eternal time….when there is no beginning and no end to our faith journey. In the readings of these next few weeks we are treated to glimpses of Jesus no longer seen as only a prophet living in a fixed time and place but Jesus as Christ, the Messiah…one who always was and always will be.

It is this Christ who takes us with him through these last few weeks before the Advent of a new preparation  for the Incarnation of God in the world. This Christ is one who talks about Kingdom, describes what eternity is like and helps us to celebrate with him his feast —- the Feast of Christ the King.  We are all promised the evergreen of the pine, the inclusivity and equality of the Kingdom and the blessing of Paradise. We have only to believe in the promises and vision of Jesus and follow…


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1 Comment

Karen · November 18, 2010 at 11:32 am

Sue, I just read your blog and will carry it with me on our renovation retreat where there is no end to renewing “love for the Beloved” ! thanks and love,

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