Gerry McKay at the Neighborhood CleanUp (right in glasses)
by Dave Nimmer,* Guest Blogger
To say Gloria “Gerry” McKay has roots in her North Minneapolis neighborhood (old Highland) is something of an understatement. McKay has been there longer than most of the trees on the north side. She moved into her house on Fremont Avenue with her parents in 1928 – when she was two months old.
“I feel spiritually enriched by the Sisters. They show me, and all the others they’re connected with, kindness, gentleness and an open heart.” — Gerry McKay
This past Mother’s Day, she celebrated her 89th birthday and the 28th year of living alone in the family home. And the week before her birthday, McKay was on a ladder trimming a tree next to her driveway. She still drives a car, runs her own errands and more than occasionally pitches in with teenagers in a neighborhood cleanup.
“[Gerry] is a deeply spiritual person who knows the God who lives inside of her…and her neighbor. She’s a steadfast family member and a loyal neighbor, who has a wry wit and a ready smile.” — Sr. Suzanne Homeyer
“I am pretty good at taking care of myself,” McKay says. “Over the years I learned how to do a lot of things” They include painting storm windows, shoveling snow, trimming trees, tending gardens nd hanging Christmas lights and watering grass.
In fact, she was watering grass when she first met the Visitation Sisters, several years after they moved into their house on Fremont Avenue.. Katherine Mullin noticed McKay in the yard and went over, said hello and invited her to meet the other Sisters.
Gerry McKay accepted the invitation and she’s been involved with the Sisters ever since, attending the monthly Monday Salesian meetings and becoming a Vis Companion (people who deepen their commitment to the Visitation Monastery, through, prayer, study and community service).
“I feel as though I’ve been adopted by the Sisters,” McKay says. “They kind of adopted the whole neighborhood. Everyone around here seems to know them and they seem to have a calming influence on those they meet.”

Gerry shares a thought at Salesian Monday Night
Calm, conscientious and confidant aptly describe Gerry McKay: the life she’s lived and the woman she’s become. She grew up in a family with six siblings, five sisters and a brother. “You better believe we raised him right,” she says, with a smile. “He turned out to be a good and gentle man.”
And McKay turned out to be a very good daughter. She attended Ascension Elementary School, Franklin Junior High and graduated from North High School. She got an award at North for never being late for class or missing a day of school. She spent a year at the College of St. Catherine, planning to be a nurse. Because her father was a contractor and frequently away, McKay had to quit and come home to help her mother, looking after her and the rest of the family.
She did it without resentments and found her role satisfying. Over the years, she cared for her mother, two sisters and brother, who lost a battle to esophageal cancer. “I discovered I could be there when the going got tough,” she says. “I always seemed to find the strength I needed.” She’s been the executor of three of their estates.
What McKay finds from the Sisters is another kind of strength. “I feel spiritually enriched by them,” she says. “They show me, and all the others they’re connected with, kindness, gentleness and an open heart.”
Sister Suzanne Homeyer says she draws inspiration from McKay: a single woman, growing old gracefully, taking care of her house, doing her own yard work, getting involved with her community and being unafraid.
“She is a deeply spiritual person,” says Homeyer, “who knows the God who lives inside of her…and her neighbor. She’s a steadfast family member and a loyal neighbor, who has a wry wit and a ready smile.”
YouTube Channel: Tune into a video recording of the Interview with Gerry here.
* This is the eleventh in a series of profiles by journalist Dave Nimmer featuring Visitation Companions and northside neighbors. We hope you enjoy these stories of our dear friends -- as they reflect the blessed community that surrounds the monastery and sustains us in our ministry of mutuality. LIVE + JESUS!
Jody Johnson · May 31, 2017 at 6:07 pm
Beautiful! Gerry is my inspiration, too!
Lisa Miller · June 1, 2017 at 7:59 am
Thank you for highlighting Gerry McKay. My Aunt is an extraordinary woman. She is full of faith, and gives so selflessly. She truly lives the Salesian virtues.
Therese · June 4, 2017 at 8:12 am
Gerry is a remarkable woman. I enjoy her spirit and love for others. Love this beautiful person.