Sister Katherine

Sister Katherine

by S. Katherine Mullin, VHM

Recently the door bell rang. As I neared the door, I saw it was a person who looked somewhat like “B” –a young man from the streets who roamed around, day after day, without much purpose.

“We hold a treasure, not made of gold, in earthen vessels, wealth untold.”

As I opened the door, I had to ask, “Are you ‘B’– the man I know?”

He said, “Yes. I know I look different because I am different. Sr. Katherine, I am in school now, only two semesters left.” And with a big smile he continued, ” I have my own place, too -an efficiency apartment.”

As we talked, I learned how and why he made the change.

“God is able” — as our neighbors tell us and show us in their lives. 

“One morning I woke up and I said to myself that I just can’t do this anymore. It made no sense. And I stopped cold turkey.”


As people come to our door and leave, it does not end there for us. We hold them up in prayer from day to day. God’s work is powerful and “God is able” — as our neighbors tell us and show us in their lives. We know it too from scripture, “We hold a treasure, not made of gold, in earthen vessels, wealth untold.”



Brigid · August 5, 2015 at 10:53 pm

Love this, Sister Katherine! Another life touched and made better by the Visitation Sisters and your presence in your neighborhood. Love and miss you all! xoxo

Donna Hill · October 13, 2015 at 7:26 am

Retreat is an integral part of my everyday life , I hope to be able to visit more of your event ! all the best

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