As they say in our neighborhood, we are “Blessed and Highly favored”; the list below of several of the summer events/happenings is not exhaustive, but gives a glimpse of the fullness and fruitfulness of our life “in the ‘Hood”—graced in so many ways!
- May 13-14-Brother Mickey McGrath, OSFS, renowned artist and retreat director led 65 community women in a week-end gathering and retreat at Ascension Catholic Church. (see photo gallery album)
- May 10-We ‘graduated’ 12 men and women from the community who engaged in a year long course in Salesian Leadership. (see photo gallery album)
May 23-June 3 – Six Visitation High Seniors joined us for an urban immersion experience which introduced that to the neighborhood and gave them multiple opportunities to serve. (see photo gallery album)
- June 4-Our dear friend Vickie Bailey and her daughter Betsy provided a party for the neighborhood children to “Get ready for Summer”….Teens ran the games which included prizes like jump ropes, beach towels, chalk….everything “summer”! About 50 participated.
- June 5 – We joined the communities of Ascension and St. Phillips as the churches ritualized the merger of the parishes.
- June 5 –Visitation Senior Graduation– Sr. Mary Frances was honored to lead the invocation and blessing at this event.
- June 11-Two of our sisters played honored roles in the Quinceañera of Silvia Ochoa. (see photo gallery album)
- June 11-17-Three Teens from North Minneapolis joined 50 others at the Salesian Leadership Camp in Michigan. Sr. Karen, who founded the camp 22 years ago, joined them for the week.
- Mid June -YTM-Youth in Theology and Ministry – a two week experience at St. John’s University was attended by two of our teens. (see photo gallery album)
- June 10-We were honored to join St. Jean, founder of the Cookie Cart-an employment bakery for youth- as she was celebrated for her selfless ministry.
- June 12 – We joined From Death to Life, an organization of men and women who have lost children to violence on our streets, in a Peace/Prayer walk which circulated throughout the neighborhood.
- June 19-24 – Ascension Church and Visitation Monastery sponsored 70 children for a week long camping experience at Catholic Youth Camp. Even the rain did not deter them from having an experience of a lifetime!
- June 20-24-The Sisters traveled to St. Louis to join 50 other Visitation Sisters for the last hurrah of our 400th Anniversary of the founding of the Order.
- June 26– We Sisters have our annual Corpus Christi procession in which we take the Blessed Sacrament to places of violence and tornado destruction and pray for peace in our community.
- July 6 -We will prepare an ethnic dinner for some of our neighbors and friends from Mendota Visitation. This dinner, which will be served at our monastery, is purchased by the latter and is an opportunity to bridge communities.
- July 16-23 – Sr. Suzanne and 3 neighborhood teens join Visitation students from around the country for VISTORY: a week of sisterhood, Salesian spirituality and community service. This event rotates cities each year and this year and is being held in the Twin Cities. (see photo gallery album)
UPCOMING Dates; Consider Joining us… - July 29-30 – Catholic women ages 18-45, who are discerning religious life, are invited to join the Visitation Sisters of Minneapolis, MN for their Come and See Weekend.
- August 3 – Neighborhood Night of peace, an event that draws 400-500 people-will be held at Ascension Church. We partner with Ascension, Basilica and Mas Jid Anur to provide a free supper, games, prizes and community speakers. As the title connotes, this is just one effort to bring people together in harmony and peace. We’ll keep you posted…Perhaps you’d like to volunteer!
- August 13 – We will have our annual “Back to School Party” for the children in the neighborhood and beyond. Vickie Bailey and friends provide a fun way to get ready for school and to get all the supplies they need…
- August 27-Last but not least! SR. KATHERINE’S JUBILEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Betty Lou Miller · July 21, 2011 at 4:24 pm
I have noticed how busy all of you Visitation Sisters are, making a difference in North Minneapolis.
Instead of looking tired from all of it, I dare say you all seem to be energized!
Thanks for directing your energy to hope.
Betty Lou
Melissa · July 21, 2011 at 4:29 pm
I hear you, Betty Lou! The sisters radiate a kind of energy. In the midst of all the “busyness” there is a fire that fuels me, even from a distance…
Betty Lou Miller · July 21, 2011 at 7:57 pm
The Visitation Sisters faces are so recognizable to me at a glance. And yes, there is an energy and an awareness and a graciousness that shines.
I want to comment on the group that was at church last Sunday; the young women from the three locations. I think there was less than an inch of space between each of them, kind of like they were a unit. I wondered what was impressing them, and what was being processed in their young hearts.
The sisters bring their groups to the church and we are renewed by their spirit. Spirit.
Betty Lou