Engage with Us!
Have you met the Sisters—maybe through National Night Out or Salesian Monday Nights—and now you are interested in becoming more involved in their community? The Sisters have developed several programs for friends to engage in the neighborhood.

Perhaps you would like to participate in the Visitation Companions, our lay community that organizes Salesian Monday Nights.

Or maybe you’re a young adult looking for a year of guided inner-city service like our Volunteer Internship Program.

If you are interested in exploring religious life, we encourage you to consider the Monastic Immersion Experience.

You are always welcome at St. Jane House for gatherings like Centering Prayer on Tuesday mornings.

St. Jane House also provides a space for private retreats, as does the monastery (for women).
Whatever you are looking for, you are welcome to join us. Ours is an eclectic, tightly-bonded community, where sometimes our only commonality is a deep love for God and an appreciation for each other. If you feel drawn to this kind of community, we are excited to have you among us!