LIVE Jesus!
We, the Visitation Sisters of Minneapolis, have been a stable presence on the northside to “Live Jesus” for more than 33 years. Over these years we have served as carriers of our charism of prayer, community, and contemplative hospitality. Living the Gospel Mystery of the Visitation, we have both been welcomed and have welcomed our neighbors and have become a beloved part of this multicultural neighborhood.
The legacy that we pray will live on is one that is rooted in prayer and community with a commitment to social justice and a love for those who struggle. The beauty of the Visitation charism is that it combines an intentional communal and personal prayer life that reaches out to embrace the neighbor. Loving mutuality and relationships are at the heart of Visitation life. We live discerning lives in a contemplative setting. Our communal and personal reflection have brought us to the insight, based on the signs of the times, that now is the time to look seriously at how we will pass on our precious legacy in north Minneapolis.
As we look to the future, we envision a core residential community of vowed and non-vowed members who will continue to “Live Jesus” in our beloved north Minneapolis neighborhood, ensuring a continuity of mission. The emerging community will be formed in the charism of the Visitation as well as Salesian spirituality and the life-lessons learned by the Sisters since their foundation in 1989. In this time of transition, the present community will companion the emerging community.
A gift we have is bringing people together who might otherwise never meet. We call this BRIDGING. We plan to invite individuals to accompany us on this journey. We will be discerning and working with these individuals as a committee and will invite them to walk with us and contribute their time, energy, and ideas as we develop our succession plan. We will also seek out and welcome consultation from others. In all of this, we entrust ourselves to God’s loving providence and the Spirit’s inspiration.